The Inception of Birdies Baby Lullaby

It was towards the end of 2021 when my older sister, Sara, was due to have her first baby girl in the family - our family had been blessed with 3 little boys so you can imagine the excitement we shared when we knew we would have a sweet baby girl coming into our family.  As a musician and music producer, there’s nothing more rewarding than using creativity to express emotion through music.  This is what ultimately lead to the inception of this brand.

Sara had Birdie in April and we were thrilled - she is such a sweetheart!  After meeting sweet Birdie and learning to connect with her it was impossible to ignore the inspirational voice influencing me to welcome her into the world by creating a personalized lullaby for her, it just made sense.  An unknown secret to the creation of “Birdies Lullaby” is that originally, the music and melody to the final song had actually been written 5 years prior when my first nephew, Britt was born.  Unfortunately, Britt’s lullaby was not finished and hopefully, he forgives me for not finishing it for him. but I believe things work themselves out the way they’re supposed to and it turns out that I was actually writing that music for the future to have it be finished at the right time which inevitably lead to the idea of creating this company.

I had started feeling the inspiration to revisit that original lullaby music I had started and dedicate it to Birdie.  So I did.  I dug deep into my hard drive and found the original production session and immediately felt the lyrics and arrangement I wanted to pursue.   Now Birdie has an older brother “Mayor” who was about 1 year old at the time - the perfect age to have a lullaby as well, so I decided to group the lullabies together and give him one as well. 

I had all the music and lyrics ready to go at this point but one problem - I am not the strongest vocalist by trade.  I didn’t feel my voice would be the right fit for the final product.  When my sister was getting married she asked me to perform some music at her wedding, introducing me to her very talented friend Robin.  Robin has such a powerful and amazing voice and since she and Sara were such close friends, I felt it would be a perfect fit to ask her to sing the lullabies. 

I sent her the ideas and music and she happily agreed to work with me on them.  We went into the studio and recorded the vocals and she performed brilliantly - ultimately contributing to the professional original sound we offer in our lullabies.  I delivered the lullabies to Sara for her birthday and she was thrilled - full of emotion and joy and gratitude for the gesture.  Inevitably she wanted to share the music so she posted the songs online in a few groups and forums specifically designed for mothers and support groups.  Well, the reaction to the lullabies was amazing - Sara was being contacted by mothers in the group asking where the music had come from and even thinking there was already a business that offered these kinds of services.  It was so new and unique that it created a lot of interest and curiosity.  Sara informed me of the reaction and simply suggested I figure out a way to possibly create a business in making personalized music for children.  I was blown away! I couldn’t believe that something so simple and sweet would eventually turn into a deeply passionate project and business.  I spoke to Robin about the idea and we went straight to work developing the foundation of the company, bringing it to the capacity that we are today.